Question the Candidates
I have been asked to post the following Q&A's on several of our County and State Candidates. The submitter asked that I keep them anonymous, and I'll respect that. For those of you, my readers, that have an insight into whom this might be, please keep it to yourselves.
I've modified the format, slightly, for stylistic purposes.
Candidates, feel free to offer corrections, and additions in the comments. If I were subject to the same rules as the MSM, I would, probably, not post the comments from candidates that came unanswered by the opposition, but I am not subject to those rules. Therefore, one Commission Candidate(Miller) gets a free ride. I invite his opponent(Millburn) to respond, as is his right. Anyway, I've covered a lot on Millburn, and Miller on this blog, so I don't feel terrible about this post. As it stands, this late in the game, it's a little unfair to expect an immediate response from anyone, if we also expect the candidates to be hitting the pavement, and knocking on doors. A week before the election, all good candidates should be very hard to reach, open-door policies notwithstanding.
Submitted by: Anonymous
I've modified the format, slightly, for stylistic purposes.
Candidates, feel free to offer corrections, and additions in the comments. If I were subject to the same rules as the MSM, I would, probably, not post the comments from candidates that came unanswered by the opposition, but I am not subject to those rules. Therefore, one Commission Candidate(Miller) gets a free ride. I invite his opponent(Millburn) to respond, as is his right. Anyway, I've covered a lot on Millburn, and Miller on this blog, so I don't feel terrible about this post. As it stands, this late in the game, it's a little unfair to expect an immediate response from anyone, if we also expect the candidates to be hitting the pavement, and knocking on doors. A week before the election, all good candidates should be very hard to reach, open-door policies notwithstanding.
Submitted by: Anonymous
1. There will be quite a bit of pressure from many groups regarding projects/programs which would require tax monies. How, as commissioner, would you do to determine when to place a proposition on the ballot vs. when to tell the group to go out to the community to either collect the funds necessary themselves or gather the requisite signatures to place the initiative on the ballot themselves? Feelings on a RAP tax?
2. What do you consider/define “core functions of government”?
3. When should tax increases be considered? What criteria would you use to cut spending/programs? Are there any you would cut now?
4. How would you address the senior center/flood control issues?
Identity Theft (this also, somewhat, ties into illegal immigration)
5. Would you support requiring the county to verify (using free Federal Programs) the SSN of new hires as well as requiring those to whom the county contracts to?STATE HOUSE: QuestionsTaxes
1. What would you propose to do with a tax surplus?
2. What do you consider/define “core functions of government”?
3. What do you propose to do regarding granting of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants?
4. What do you propose to do regarding granting of driver privilege cards?
ID Theft
5. Would you support requiring the State/Businesses to verify the SSN of those they hire (using free Federal programs)?
6. What are your attitudes regarding the funding of public education and tuition tax credits/vouchers?
Gas Prices
7. Do you feel price gouging is occurring? Why/Why not?
8. What are you feelings regarding concealed weapons permit issues (in schools etc etc)COUNTY COMMISSIONERSBret Millburn (Seat A – Republican)
***Unable to reach. Bad luck on my part (whenever I called, no one was home!)?***
Rob Miller (Seat A – Democrat)
Q1. There will be quite a bit of pressure from many groups regarding projects/programs which would require tax monies. How, as commissioner, would you do to determine when to place a proposition on the ballot vs. when to tell the group to go out to the community to either collect the funds necessary themselves or gather the requisite signatures to place the initiative on the ballot themselves? Feelings on a RAP tax?
A1. There is an established procedure for ballot issues. Not sure of details but current commission follows it. However, if it is an issue with strong support it is worth studying. RAP tax isn't necessary but is a quality of life issue and would support placing it on the ballot. Emphasized that he doesn't want to raise taxes but taxes are needed for certain issues. Doesn't believe taxes are the answer to everything. Noted that he went into a business that was losing $40K/month – he cut the waste and turned it into a profitable operation. Would bring that same mentality to the commission. Trim fat first before looking at taxes.
Q2. What do you consider/define “core functions of government”?
A2. Flood control, infrastructure, roads, Dept of Health, corridor preservation. Shouldn't legislate morality nor be anti-business. Some social services are appropriate: meth is a growing problem and treatment would be cheaper and more effective than simply housing a prisoner (noted SL Co. found it cost $10/day? in a recovery program rather than $80/day? in prison. Obviously not all meth users etc would qualify for recovery – certain criteria would have to be met.
Q3. When should tax increases be considered? What criteria would you use to cut spending/programs? Are there any you would cut now?
A3. Doesn't believe in protecting people from themselves – RAP is Ok if people are happy with it and willing to pay. Go back East to see how high property taxes can be. Pledged that he would NOT vote for new property taxes during his 4 year term.
Q4. How would you address the senior center/flood control issues?
A4. ***My bad – I forgot to ask him about the flood control/senior issues – Sorry!!!***
Q5. Would you support requiring the county to verify (using free Federal Programs) the SSN of new hires as well as requiring those to whom the county contracts to?
A5. Fully supports requiring county and contractor SSN verification.
Louenda Downs (Seat B – Republican)
Q1. There will be quite a bit of pressure from many groups regarding projects/programs which would require tax monies. How, as commissioner, would you do to determine when to place a proposition on the ballot vs. when to tell the group to go out to the community to either collect the funds necessary themselves or gather the requisite signatures to place the initiative on the ballot themselves? Feelings on a RAP tax?
A1. [Specifically addressed RAP tax as an example]. First ask, do citizens want it and is great interest expressed – if so support placing on ballot, but would understand that commission must be willing to 'take heat' for doing so. Wouldn't support placing every request on a ballot. Also, proposals must demonstrate that they wouldn't over-burden taxpayers.
Q2. What do you consider/define “core functions of government”?
A2. State/Fed constitutions define to a point. Essentially represent the people and provide services necessary spelled out by policy/statute. Stated RAP wouldn't fit her definition but depends on how it is pursued (some could argue it relates to tourism), nevertheless after defining 'core functions', she may have to reconsider RAP and it must be more clearly defined as to how it would meet these criteria.
Q3. When should tax increases be considered? What criteria would you use to cut spending/programs? Are there any you would cut now?
A3. Taxes should be a last resort. There are many ways to take care of services rather than immediately turning to taxes. Every option should be explored first. Commissioners must remember they represent the people including their pocketbooks. Taxes are crushing to many. Better planning is needed as the commission appeared to avoid addressing cost increases leading to the large tax increase proposal. People should initially be brought together to find an alternative solution to taxation. Worthy to look at cutting programs and fat in programs, although this can be limited by statutory requirements (eg. mandated funding levels etc).
Q4. How would you address the senior center/flood control issues?
A4. Bring a group together that understands the problem and is tied to the community. Initially look for sources of alternative funding. Wonders why plan for flood control infrastructure wasn't addressed until now. Believes grants could help as well as pursuing other funding options other than taxes.
Q5. Would you support requiring the county to verify (using free Federal Programs) the SSN of new hires as well as requiring those to whom the county contracts to?
A5. Feels inclined to support, but hasn't heard enough about the programs etc and would like to garner more information prior to taking a strong stance on SSN verification.
Chris Martinez (Seat B – Democrat)
Q1. There will be quite a bit of pressure from many groups regarding projects/programs which would require tax monies. How, as commissioner, would you do to determine when to place a proposition on the ballot vs. when to tell the group to go out to the community to either collect the funds necessary themselves or gather the requisite signatures to place the initiative on the ballot themselves? Feelings on a RAP tax?
A1. Initiate a complete study of the project/program. Meet with citizens for their opinion remembering it is your money we're dealing with. Felt it is fine for the commission to place a RAP tax on the ballot.
Q2. What do you consider/define “core functions of government”?
A2. Wouldn't include 'nice to haves'. Conference Center likely shouldn't be considered a core function but we're not really paying for it. Senior's don't need a 'nice to have building' but should have something they can freely move around in. A RAP tax would be ok assuming the moneys were used for their defined purpose and not siphoned off to other areas of government – then again, RAP would be mostly city administered rather than county.
Q3. When should tax increases be considered? What criteria would you use to cut spending/programs? Are there any you would cut now?
A3. Study the project first and invite citizens to comment upon it. Should cut spending by first conducting a wage study as the Commissioner's salaries appear very high. Cut COLAs for the commissioners. Conduct a wage study for the entire county. Include a study on current spending – doesn't feel that we have full fiscal accountability in all county depts (ie waste). We should have a surplus, but don't.
Q4. How would you address the senior center/flood control issues?
A4. Supports senior center and flood controls but believes that available state/fed/other grants could fund the projects. Wonders why the county hadn't planned for the eventual maintenance/repairs of the flood controls.
Q5. Would you support requiring the county to verify (using free Federal Programs) the SSN of new hires as well as requiring those to whom the county contracts to?
A5. Issue is mostly federal but runs to lowest level. Wouldn't allow false SSNs to be used – favors the proposal to verify SSNs prior to employment etc.STATE HOUSEBeth Holbrook (Democrat)
Q1. What would you propose to do with a tax surplus?
A1. Should look at better funding for education. Doesn't believe their needs are adequately funded. Should also look at funding for transportation to give people as many options as possible. Also consider a 'rainy day fund'.
Q2. What do you consider/define “core functions of government”?
A2. Basic functions such as police functions etc. Obviously we shouldn't throw money at everything. Some gray areas such as the $2 mil Emergency Medicaid Fund shortfall that was covered by private individuals last session may be in government's interest. RAP/Open space could also be a gray area depending on circumstances – need to look at it in a long term perspective, if we only have 50 acres left, do we allow them to be developed or maintain them as an open space?
Q3. What do you propose to do regarding granting of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants?
A3. Attended UofU President's event. Only 27 students are using the benefit and working to citizenship. So far there is no comprehensive national solution. At least we could create citizens who are a value to society.
Q4. What do you propose to do regarding granting of driver privilege cards?
A4. Shouldn't issue the licenses. People from other states are coming here for them. Fraud seems to be rampant as the current system stands and it needs to be fixed.
Q5. Would you support requiring the State/Businesses to verify the SSN of those they hire (using free Federal programs)?
A5. ID theft/fraud is rampant. There is easy availability via computer programs/thefts etc. Hasn't heard much about the SSN verification systems and would have to look into it further. Grey area of government intervention. Employers should be allowed to run businesses as they wish but they do have repercussions and affect others by their practices. SSN verification is something that should be studied.
Q6. What are your attitudes regarding the funding of public education and tuition tax credits/vouchers?
A6. Touchy subject. Many feel their children aren't getting the education they should and want control. However, public ed. Is funded by society as a whole and allow government scrutiny (sometimes too much). Concerned private wouldn't have the same scrutiny as public ed schools thereby not allowing a good comparison. Theoretically, we could pay for Johnny to learn to paint a fence (NOTE: she, strongly, specified that she doesn't believe that actually occurs). Worth looking at certain aspects of education, but taking $2200 out no wouldn't be helpful.
Q7. Do you feel price gouging is occurring? Why/Why not?
A7. Believes some sort of investigation is in order. Large corps making huge profits may need more scrutiny to avoid any more ENRON-type issues. Ultimately, a gray area where government intervention could be overbearing, but oil is a limited market dealing with a commodity everyone depends on (affects every part of our lives). If investigation reveals prices are simple supply and demand, then let the subject go.
Q8. What are you feelings regarding concealed weapons permit issues (in schools etc etc)
A8. Supports with the current guidelines in place. Doesn't feel well informed about the issue. Possibly schools could ban them. [Asked for more info. - specifically if there are any legal/vigilante issues with concealed permit holders and if I, as a parent would be comfortable with a teacher having a firearm. I noted that permit holders have much lower crime rates than the general population and have regular background checks run on them by the regulating agency. Personally know several permit holders and you would never know it unless they told you. Also noted that I do have a child in school and that I would feel much more comfortable if they had something to defend my child with should a lock down occur and an assailant attempt to harm anyone in their class]. She noted that my comments eased her concern and that my armed teacher point did make sense. Additionally noted that an armed teacher may also aid in avoiding any confrontation whatsoever as most criminals etc prefer to be unopposed (ie initially keeping them away or resulting in their withdrawal from the venue prior to any conflict.
Robert Moultrie (Constitution)
Q1. What would you propose to do with a tax surplus?
A1. Return the surplus to the tax payers.
Q2. What do you consider/define “core functions of government”?
A2. Core functions mean bare bones – public safety, protection of freedom of expression, religion. Laws framed to protect and maintain property rights etc. If it's not in the UT constitution it is not necessary. Programs would have to be looked at in a case-by-case basis.
Q3. What do you propose to do regarding granting of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants?
A3. End the in-state tuition program for illegal immigrants.
Q4. What do you propose to do regarding granting of driver privilege cards?
A4. End the driver privilege card program.
Q5. Would you support requiring the State/Businesses to verify the SSN of those they hire (using free Federal programs)?
A5. Fully supports SSN verification
Q6. What are your attitudes regarding the funding of public education and tuition tax credits/vouchers?
A6. Initially, vouchers may be good (short term). However, is concerned that private schools could become dependent upon them and, over the long term, the government would begin to attach strings to the vouchers thereby creating a new class of public schools under government control. Would prefer ending public education system altogether, but that is unlikely to occur.
Q7. Do you feel price gouging is occurring? Why/Why not?
A7. Support the free market but thinks it worthy of an investigation. If investigation indicates it is free market at work, then so be it. Believes that consumers have responsibility in where they purchase fuel from however also feels that long established oil companies may be suppressing competition (and full free market effects). Cited example that many of these oil companies are the largest/chief funding sources of environmental groups. The environmental groups lobby/sue etc to create stricter controls and more red tape for startup oil companies making it virtually impossible to build new refineries etc resulting in a hindrance to free market forces. [note: he never cast the impression that this was some kind of 'conspiracy' and should not be taken as such. Essentially, he was stating a potential tactic used by the established oil companies to suppress startups from entering the market].
Q8. What are you feelings regarding concealed weapons permit issues (in schools etc etc)
A8. Fully supports permit holder's rights to carry. Fully supports the 2nd Amendment.
Paul Neuenschwander (Republican)
Q1. What would you propose to do with a tax surplus?
A1. There is a spending limit of $80 million with the exception of Education and Transportation. It would require the legislature to raise the cap or exempt other areas of the cap. With surpluses, we should consider all opportunities first. It might be wise to look at a 0.25% tax increase for transportation corridors. Favors returning as much as possible to taxpayers – taking into consideration what government can do with it.
Q2. What do you consider/define “core functions of government”?
A2. Public safety, public education, constitutionally defined items, assistance with drug/alcohol abuse – would like to see more programs as he believes they assist in public safety. [Asked if RAP/open space tax proposals would fall in as a core function]. Is it government responsibility? No. But he has supported both and will continue to do so – will also consider how they might affect his district.
Q3. What do you propose to do regarding granting of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants?
A3. Feels opposed to in-state tuition but under a hundred people are using it right now (attended a UofU President's event on the matter). UofU event argued that we put them through high school – do we continue to improve their way of life?
Q4. What do you propose to do regarding granting of driver privilege cards?
A4. Opposed driver privilege cards – it entices them and others to the state.
Q5. Would you support requiring the State/Businesses to verify the SSN of those they hire (using free Federal programs)?
A5. May be hard for small business – why place burden on them [I noted the programs were free and returned results in short time frames – oftentimes minutes, depending on the program]. Understands how it could help but what do we do if they don't verify? Fine them? Businesses shouldn't have to do it but supports the idea/goal.
Q6. What are your attitudes regarding the funding of public education and tuition tax credits/vouchers?
A6. Hasn't accepted money form the UEA or tax credit/voucher folks. Education has been given a $245 mil. Increase last year and 300% increase over the last 10 years. What should we expect for that money? Not willing to commit to either side until he can study issue/proposals and get further answers to questions.
Q7. Do you feel price gouging is occurring? Why/Why not?
A7. Believes the free market system is at work. Noted that there is some recent interest in opening a refinery in Vernal. Government shouldn't come along and ask businesses regarding their costs and products as may open up their trade secrets.
Q8. What are you feelings regarding concealed weapons permit issues (in schools etc etc)
A8. Supports the 2nd Amendment, but believes some restrictions are appropriate – such as a ban firearms (including concealed weapons permit holders) in schools and churches.